Mini-sode: Magic Action Decisions

Mar 18, 2024

It's Monday morning and you skipped meal planning + prepping yesterday. You didn't want to take the little time you have with your family to calendar your menu for the whole week, and chop the stupid vegetables. So you start winging it - a Monday Morning egg + cheese bagel turns into some chips with lunch and a mid-work afternoon cookie break. You've worked hard and deserve a damn break, after all. If this is you, you aren't alone. What's missing here isn't time to Meal Plan + Prep. It is Magic Action Decisions. Listen to the episode for the rest. 

If these tiny-but-mighty concepts are resonating with you, I'd love to see you in The Unstoppable GroupClick here to book your enrollment call and let’s talk through your specific scenario. I’ll answer any questions you have and we’ll decide if this group is a best fit for you, no obligations. 

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