The Unstoppable Group

6 Month Small Group Program
Stress + Weight Loss Coaching for Professional Working Moms

science backed strategies to burn stress, burn fat and drop drama--
to live your life the way you've always wanted and worked decades hard to create.

Want to work with me? Book your consult call.


If being smart or working hard was the solution--

You would have hit your goal weight already.


We need to talk...

Are you tired of the weight loss roller coaster?


Listen, if you're anything like me, you've experienced the weight loss roller coaster and frankly speaking, the constant ups, downs and fresh starts is exhausting. You're tired of having a strategy that feels complicated or unsustainable, especially given how hard you're working being a professional working mom. You've been looking for a new way to lose the weight you want and most importantly-- keep it off.


Counting points and calories, cutting out complete food groups and "just buckling down harder" isn't going to create consistent results for you on the scale. Spending hours of time with the background mental chatter around what (and how) to eat will not get you to your dream, ideal weight faster.


You might have been researching "best strategies" to lose the weight you want but only end up feeling confused or in decision-paralysis on the exact next thing you should do to create the most impact. The more you passively consume, the less you find yourself taking real needle-moving action to create consistent weight loss results.

I have a secret to tell you...

It isn't your fault.


The real reason you haven't lost the weight you wanted (and kept it off with ease) is because you were missing a skill or strategy that would lead you to become a fat burner with science-backed tools. You've been taught to calculate calories, track points, eat less/move more and cut out carbs... As you may have already guessed-- that doesn't work.


Old school diet hacks are just that: hacks.


What might have worked in your 20's won't cut it anymore-- and especially being a high achiever in the work place and at home, you want an effective, deprivation-free strategy that is going to last. This is exactly why I created The Unstoppable Group, the intimate 6 month small group coaching program specifically designed for professional working moms.


Since losing a little over 60 pounds without crazy fads and now keeping it off for years, I have been on a mission to teach other high achieving professional moms the the exact science-backed strategies and mindset skills that are required to lose the weight you want with the time you have.


My clients get amazing weight loss results without a massive life upheaval, all while curing the weight loss burnout and fatigue. They start feeling calm around food, free from food-negotiating, lighter in their gut and confident in consistent results + maintenance. They know how to make tweaks to their goals, navigate vacations + holidays and handle those occasional off-plan moments powerfully.


There is no more weight loss overwhelm.


How do I know?


I've been right where you are.

The Coaching Group for Professional Moms who want consistent weight loss results

The Unstoppable Group is a comprehensive experience that brings together science backed strategies to re-calibrate fat burning hormones while teaching you the mindset skills to so you are equipped to handle your real life stresses, without emotional eating.


~ in The Unstoppable Group ~

Burn Fat

When you know how to make simple nutritional tweaks to foods you love you can re-calibrate fat burning hormones to make weight loss easier and have a plan in your back pocket wherever you go. You can forever stop logging points + calories when you get SCIENCE on your side and feel more satisfied at the same time.

Burn Stress

You can have the BEST laid plans, but if you don't know how to stop stress snacking + boredom nibbling your weight loss wins will remain inconsistent. Knowing how to take action in challenging moments is the secret ingredient to maintain forever weight loss results that will make you feel CONFIDENT in maintenance.

Drop Drama

You may be a superhero at work and home, but at the end of the day you ARE human. One of the necessary skills you need is to strategically plan for off-plan moments. Mistakes are NEVER the reason for stalled results, and knowing how to handle the random off-plan moment without drama is essential for consistent results.

Hi, I'm Dr. Priyanka Venugopal

Let me tell you a little about me and why I'm on this mission to help other professional moms solve this struggle, once and for all.

A few years ago I was tipping the scale at over 200 lbs and while I had a good-on-paper life, I felt FRUSTRATED. Despite being a physician and a hard worker, I had been on the weight loss roller coaster for year. Sure, some diets, fads and tricks worked in the long run...
But they didn't last.
Finally, in 2019 I decided I was done waiting for life to "feel easier" for me to prioritize this goal I had wanted for decades. I went on a journey to solve this problem at the root, educating myself about the science of fat loss with simple nutritional tweaks and most importantly understanding the mindset skills to become masterful at consistent implementation. I used to think every time I experienced a LIFE STRESS I needed to take a break from my weight loss strategy...
But turns out, that was THE REASON I experienced inconsistent success on the scale.
In my personal journey I lost a little over 60 lbs without crazy exercise plans or fad diets, while living my real life as a busy professional physician, an unpredictable schedule and two young kids. Because I experienced such freedom in my weight loss journey and started to feel more UNSTOPPABLE both in my work life and at home with my kiddos, I embarked on the journey to teach this process to other professional working moms, like me.
Now as an Advanced Certified Deep Dive Coach, I have coached high achieving professional moms across a variety of industries for hundreds of hours. I have learned that there are COMMON obstacles that working moms face and having a strategy based in science with the mindset skills to navigate your obstacles leads to guaranteed results on the scale (and your life). One of the core principles I've seen as the common success ingredient in my clients who lose the weight and keep it off is a readiness to prioritize their body and bring their dream goals front and center.
I have brought together my personal experience having solved this problem, my experience as a board certified ObGyn physician and now my experience as an advanced certified coach for professional working moms to carefully curate an intimate small group to help you do the same.
There is a  success formula that is simple and I teach it to my clients step-by-step inside The Unstoppable Group. When we work together you will start to experience:
  • Simpler weight loss that folds into your real life.
  • More physical energy and mental clarity.
  • Reduced mental food chatter and decision fatigue.
  • Sustainable practices that last a lifetime.
  • Self-Trust + Confidence in navigating real life hurdles.
  • Consistent results even in the face of imperfect "off plan" moments.
If you want to experience lasting weight loss, consider this your invitation to claim your spot in the next cohort of The Unstoppable Group.


"You will be forever happy with this decision, it will change your life."

- Dr. Adrienne B.


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 Client Testimonials


Food Became the EASY Part for Anjali


"I so distinctly remember on the consult call. I said 'I know exactly what to do, I'm not confused but don't do it' then I said rhetorically-- who does that??' You made me answer the question.

I am a plan chaser, I have an email full of PDFs. The surprising thing is the plan has been secondary, it is actually fun and unique to me-- I have such flexibility and now I know it wasn't about the food.

Time hasn't been an issue at all.

This is the plan to end all plans."

- Anjali, Attorney

Podcast Episode 58



Emily Lost Weight without Calorie Counting.


"I used to do mostly calorie counting but I knew I didn't want to do that forever... what changed is I made this a priority. I zoned in on why I wanted this and then I started seeing results.


I'm making the same number of decisions, but I have less decision fatigue and I wake up better rested. It doesn't take much time, I spend about 5-10 minutes per day. I have so much more time because I'm not worrying or ruminating about this anymore."

- Emily, ObGyn Physician

Podcast Episode 73

What you get inside Unstoppable


Weekly Live Coaching

6 months of weekly live coaching every Wednesday at 12p EST in an intimate group with other working moms just like you. Get coached on ALL things food, body, work, life and equally learn from the coaching of others. This is a sacred space and held with love and safety.

Intimate Community

This is one of the greatest assets of the Unstoppable experience. The Working Moms in this group are warrior-ninjas. Witnessing the Coaching of your Unstoppable Sisters shows you, you are never alone here. Not inside Unstoppable.

Video Library

The moment you join Unstoppable you get immediate access to the Unstoppable Library. This toolkit has been curated with the busy-mom in mind. It is full of teaching tools for you to apply right away. Clients start losing weight before our first call!

The Coaching Cafe

Unlimited coaching happens inside our members-only "24/7 Coaching Cafe", hosted on Slack. Here you are invited to bring your Brilliant Brain and anything that is coming up for you. You will get coaching by me to help you unblock your obstacles.

The Workbook

For my writing-planning-lovers, I see you! You will be getting a color-printed, beautifully bound workbook mailed to your doorstep as one of the delicious items in your Welcome Box. The Workbook takes our work deeper and is made for the pen-loving fanatics.

Bonus Material

Once you are inside The Unstoppable Intimate Group, you will get immediate access to all previous Masterclasses and Bonus Calls I've ever held. This includes previous Storytimes where I share my stories and the tools I created in the process.


A Sneak Peek Inside...

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Julie let go of weight loss perfectionism

"All my life as a physician and mom was me trying. todo everything perfectly well, it was a huge reason I overate which I discovered. in coaching. I thought I just loved the flamin' hots.

I always felt better after out Coaching calls. Hearing other people's coaching was normalizing and I experienced such open support. I definitely talked about vulnerable things and felt so safe to talk about it. The difference for me as been the coaching, specifically the way you coach."

- Julie, Physician

Podcast Episode 59

The Video Modules

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Adrienne hit her goal in 6 months.


"I thought there has to be a group of women who feel what I feel. In our written coaching things came up that were below the surface for decades... and I had no idea it existed. People ask me how I've lost weight and I tell them-- oh it's Coaching."

You will be so forever happy with the decision to get Coached with a fellow group of Unstoppable Moms. I don't want to go corny, but it will change your life. My life has been changed, I'm so grateful."

- Adrienne, Veterinarian

Podcast Episode 23


Diana hit her weight loss goal and feels confident in maintenance.


"The way you talk about weight loss really resonated with me, especially creating lasting change and simplicity really resonated with me. I had done other professional coaching so I thought this would be exactly what I needed.

I used to hate my weight loss process, that was a huge underpinning of what you do differently-- we have to love the way we eat which has been huge for me. I used to be afraid of hunger, even the smallest whisper of it, which is why I used to pre-eat.

I feel confident because I hit so many obstacles on the way and learned how to overcome them. That is what is so different about this process and why I feel confident at my goal weight."

- Dr. Diana Pfeil, CTO

Podcast Episode 76

Your First 30 Days.


In the first 30 days I see my clients start dropping pounds on the scale without counting calories or tracking points. Better yet my clients report they feel more energized, experience less hunger, less bloating, get better quality sleep and feel more clear headed.


How it works?


The moment you join The Unstoppable Group you unlock immediate access to the on-demand video curriculum, you can binge it like Netflix over a weekend or pick out specific videos that pertain to your needs.


On DAY 1 we will meet for our Strategy Workshop where we will custom create your Fat-Burning Action Plan together. This will be a simple plan, with small nutrition tweaks that will teach your body how to access her stored energy (fat) and burn it for energy. You will leave this workshop with a clear and confident vision of what your exact next steps are, including what + how to eat in a way that serves your goal.


We will also co-create YOUR personal weight loss goal taking your long term vision in mind. I will teach you my unique framework in how to properly set a goal so you are lined up for success. THEN we get to implementing your action plan.


You will practice folding this action plan into your real working mom life so it feels simple and sustainable, without require MORE of your time or effort.

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What makes Unstoppable Different

The Unstoppable Group is specifically designed and curated for the working mom. You'll know this group will be a best fit for you if you identify as someone who wants to have STELLAR accomplishments at work and at the same time want to feel connected with your kids and family at home.


You know you have 2 FULL time jobs-- and because you are always so leaned in on upleveling at both work and home, you've forgotten to uplevel YOUR personal weight loss goals in the mix.


The Unstoppable Group is the answer to this. Every feature of the program is designed for you to fold into your REAL working mom life. You learn how to lose weight in SMALL pockets of time because you create a strategy ONCE and then learn how to master implementation.


You don't need MORE time or more effort to lose weight. You simply need to know how to use the time you have more effectively. I help you do this as your Coach.

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An Unstoppable Experience

"I have lost 25.9 lb since beginning Unstoppable. I am no longer considered obese. I am so proud of myself, and that’s not something I really would have said to myself before Unstoppable.

I acknowledge the work that I have put in to make my new habits a reality and the effort it has taken to bring my weight loss into a reality. It makes me so excited to know that I have these skills.

I'm not below my pre-baby weight, which feels really amazing. The most powerful thoughts I now believe is I can do this and I can keep it off. It is so energizing. I appreciate that I can live my life without restriction.

One of my favorite parts about Coaching was celebrating my wins, which really fostered how proud I am of myself. It was so unexpected for me to realize how easy it could be to lose weight and listen to my body."


- Samantha

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The Investment

$8000 pay in full
or three payments of $2700


"I had tried and tried to do it myself but I needed something for me.... as opposed to for the kids and for work. It was scary knowing I could fail again-- but I was ready, like let's do this give me the homework! 

Honestly to wear clothes I haven't  been able to wear feels really, really good. It feels like I have a whole new wardrobe.

Embracing in my bones this was for the long haul, not a diet. This was real and perfection isn't real.

If I don't this, nothing else was going to work better. The stars aligned, the Universe had spoken, this was the right time."

- Annalisa, Veterinarian

When do we start?

The next group starts: July 14, 2024

It's not a Dream.
This is your It's Done Reality.


I'm not just your Coach.

I've been right in your shoes, walking the heavy walk.

I didn't just want to feel good... I wanted to feel GREAT.

Feeling better and reaching my ideal weight felt far away, like it was easy for other people and just not for me.

Until I discovered a better way.

I've curated the best of my own experiences into The Unstoppable Group. From being a busy-physician-mom who lost over 60 lbs to becoming an advanced certified deep dive coach who helps her clients do the same, this Group has everything you need.

You're Invited.


Karen is wearing her daughter's clothes.

"It's the first time I can call myself out and I don't have to worry about the Gold Star anymore. The weight I've lost above my shoulders surpasses what I've lost below.

And I've lost weight below my shoulders, I'm wearing my kids clothes now. I dieted for 40 years and it's not going to happen again. I missed 5 decades, I hid for 5 decades. We worked, we did this.

Yes, it was a financial investment and it was beyond worth every penny and having my girls see me do it."

- Karen

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