Episode #48: How to Get Momentum Back

Feb 28, 2023

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When you get into a rhythm with your routines, following your eating plan, or going to the gym, you feel like you’ve gained momentum. This tends to happen after a burst of motivation, like around the New Year. I call this burst of motivation activation energy. But how many of you are feeling as motivated as you did back in the first week of January?

When you feel activation energy in your brain and body, you feel inspired. You’re ready to show up for your goals. You break out the spreadsheets and start planning, and for a few days, weeks, or months, you start to really see some changes. This works for a while, until you stop feeling motivated. So, it’s time to create real Unstoppable momentum instead.

Tune in this week to discover why motivation and activation energy only last for a short time, and how to create real momentum instead. I’m sharing why Monday-morning motivation is poor-quality fuel for driving you to take action, a personal story about how one thought can zap our momentum toward all of our goals, and how to overcome these hurdles so you can create momentum and generate activation energy whenever you need it.


I’m hosting my next live webinar Quit the Strict Meal Planning and Do This Instead. This webinar is the stepping stone to understanding why doubling down on that next strict meal plan isn’t the solution to reaching your ideal weight. Yes, the plan matters, but I’m teaching three frameworks that cover the other 80% of the work. I promise, being a planning ninja isn’t enough, so click here to get all of the details, dates, times, and to sign up!


There are a few spots left in the April Cohort of The Unstoppable Group. This is my intimate six-month small group coaching program for high-achieving working moms who want to feel better and lose weight at the same time. Reaching your ideal weight is more than an intellectual exercise. It requires real-life messy implementation. We start on April 16th 2023, and if you’ve been feeling the call to solve this problem once and for all, click here to arrange a free consult with me.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What activation energy is and how it feels in our brains and bodies.
  • How we start to see results after a burst of activation energy, but it’s always short-lived.
  • Why it’s no surprise that Monday-morning motivation doesn’t last long.
  • What is currently getting in the way of you creating momentum in your life.
  • Where most people think momentum comes from versus where it really comes from.
  • How to use your brain to create real Unstoppable momentum toward your goals and generate activation energy whenever you need it.



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  • Hey, this is Dr. Priyanka Venugopal, and you're listening to the Unstoppable Mom Brain Podcast. Episode 48. If you want to reach your ideal weight and create lightness for your body, you need to have simplicity, joy, and strategic decisions infused into your life. I'm a physician turned life and weight loss coach for ambitious working moms.

    I've lost over 60 pounds without counting points, calories, or crazy exercise plans. Most importantly, I feel calm and light on the scale and in my life. There's some delicious magic when you learn this work and the skills I'm going to be teaching. Ready? Let's get to it.

    I'm back on another walk, and so if you hear the occasional child playing in the background, a car passing me, or I think some of you picked up the last time I did this, some birds chirping. Then I apologize if the noise bothers you and you're welcome if you don't mind it and you enjoy it. A few of you reached out to me and said that you really did enjoy hearing some of the birds in the background, so I'm glad to accommodate because I felt really inspired to really just bring you on my walk. 

    And if you want to actually be on this walk with me, you can actually go over to theunstoppablemombrain.com/48 and watch the video and like come physically on this walk with me. We can chit chat together and talk. And today we are talking all about how to create momentum.

    This has been a topic that I have really been thinking about so much. It's been something that I have been sharing with my email list. It's been something that I wanted to talk to all of you about, cause I think this is such an important topic. So that is what we're getting into in today's episode. So one of the biggest things that I have personally experienced, and one of the things that I think many of you probably experience is when you get into a rhythm with your routine, when you get into a rhythm with maybe you're like following your plan and you're going to the gym and you maybe feel like you are in a kind of a way of being into your schedule where you're starting to see changes happen for your body. 

    Maybe on the scale you're feeling really good. You feel like you have gained momentum. And I think that the most common times that we experience that feeling where we have “momentum”  is usually after we experience a big burst of motivation.

    So I think New Year's is a very typical example, a very common time. That's so many of us. January 1st, New Year's. Maybe it's your birthday. Maybe it's like a special event, like something very specific. There's like a tangible date in the book on the calendar that you're like feeling that gust of motivation.

    So let's just use New Year's because that's kind of what inspired this episode. We get really excited January 1st for your birthday has rolled around and it's like, okay, this is the year. We're gonna handle it and we feel that gust and motivation. I wanna call that activation energy. Okay? So just remember we're doing an episode today.

    You're coming along for my walk. I don't have my streamlined notes because you know, B minus work. If you didn't catch that episode, go back and watch a couple episodes ago. B minus work. I talk all about it. This episode is going to be a little rambly. We're going to go all over the place, but I promise you we are going to come back to the main point.

    I wanted to define what I call activation energy. I think about activation energy as that burst of motivation. It is how you feel Monday morning, New Year's day, your birthday. You feel that gust and it's like, okay, this is the day, this is the week, this is the year. You have that thought in your mind and you feel, we're gonna call it activation energy in your body.

    You feeled inspired. You feel activated. You're ready to take big, like you're ready to show up very actively in your game plan, right? So what do we do? You feel this burst of motivation and what we typically do is we make some pretty amazing plans. Maybe we break out the spreadsheets, the color coded plans, and then we start planning for how we are going to create the big goals, right?

    So if this year, you know, you want to reach your ideal weight, you wanna drop 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 50 pounds this year, you have a vision for how you might do that. You start making plans. And typically when you're feeling that burst of motivation, that activation energy, you start following through. So it's not surprising that for a few days, a few weeks, even a few months, you start to really see change.

    Now, I wanna tell you, this works, right? That feeling of motivation is going to inspire you to take action. You are definitely going to feel a shift in how your body feels. You're going to see the number on the scale go down. Your clothes are going to fit better, you're going to feel better in your body specifically because you're taking action.

    Now, what ends up happening, and I'm curious if some of you've experienced this, but what typically happens is we, something along the way, stop feeling motivated. How many of you have felt that right? So you feel January 1st, I'm curious. It's now I'm recording this episode. It's like February, I think, 18th or 19th right now.

    How many of you feel the same motivation that you felt December 31st or January 1st? The first week of January? I'm guessing most of you, I'm not gonna say all. I'm sure there's some of you that still feel it. But many of you don't feel the same excitement and motivation that you felt that first week of January.

    And I wanted to tell you why that happens. And then I'm gonna talk to you about momentum. And if I get a little out of breath, I sometimes will pause because I don't wanna be huffing and puffing in your ear, but I might be already. So coming back, we feel that burst of motivation Monday morning, New Year's Day, birthday, and you feel activated, you start showing up.

    What I want you to know is that activation energy is short-lived. Let me just say that again. Activation Energy, Monday morning motivation, New Year's Day motivation, birthday motivation is short lived. Let me tell you why. The reason that motivation is short-lived, and my clients have heard me say this, it's poor quality fuel to drive you to take action is because not every day of the week is Monday.

    Not every day of the year is New Year's Day. Your birthday is one out of 365 days. So it's not surprising when you wait for the Monday morning, the New Year's day or the birthday to feel the gust of motivation. It's not surprising. that that starts to fade because Tuesday afternoon you're not going to feel Monday morning fresh start, right?

    February 18th or February 25th. You are not going to feel January 1st fresh start, right? So I want you all to just know moving forward, if you're waiting for that fresh start, that gust of motivation, I just want you to know now forevermore. That that activation energy is meant to only be activation energy.

    It's not meant to be your sustainable source to drive you to take action on a daily basis. I'm pausing here to catch my breath because I just went up a freaking steep hill. Okay, so coming back, let's talk a little bit about what do you do then? What happens then? What gets in the way of sustaining activation energy?

    What's in the way that gets in the way of your momentum? So I wanna kind of share with you my personal example and what really happened in my real life, and then I want you to take from it and like, Ask yourself how this applies to you. Okay? This is gonna apply to you in some way, shape, or form. For me, my personal goal this year as I've been sharing is to get stronger in my body.

    I want to get more fit. I want to grow more muscle. I wanna get lean muscle. I wanna feel stronger. I wanna feel like I can go up this, I can go up this hill and not be out of breath. That's my goal. My friends, I wanna go up this hill and not be out of breath. That is not the case right now. That is my goal. By the time I turn 40, it's happening in May.

    That's my goal. I'm gonna be bringing you all along and we're gonna just do a little test together. Is Priyanka still out of breath when she goes up this hill? That's what we're gonna know. Your goal might be to get stronger in your body. Your goal might be to lose 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds. You decide what is your goal.

    Now what happened for me is in January I got super excited. This is the year. This is the year I'm turning 40, right? You can feel the activation energy. This is the year I'm gonna do it, and I made a very serious plan as anyone knows me. Color coded the whole thing. I had a game plan. I knew what days I was going to work at lower body, upper body.

    I kept it simple. I felt so good about it. And let me tell you, for two weeks I took such solid action. Here's the beauty, while I was taking action at the end of every day, at the end of every week. Like I would think, wow, look at me go. How amazing. I'm like, how amazing am I for following through on my plan? Look at how this is where my, like I was like, look at the momentum and every day, here's the coolest part about momentum.

    It didn't feel so hard for me to throw on my sneakers or pick up the dumbbells, like it didn't feel like such a big feat. I was like, oh, of course. We just, this is what we do. It felt so easy. It felt so simple. And what was amazing for those two weeks is that I could feel my body getting stronger. I felt sore the next day.

    I could feel myself really feeling good and strong in my body, okay? For two weeks. That lasted a whole of two weeks. So, lemme see what happened then. What happened was a tough night. My son went to sleep really late. I kind of got woken up a couple of times. I think I might have even caught, like if my voice is still sounding kind of raspy, it's like I feel like I've just been recovering from something that I caught from the kids.

    And I noticed the next morning, it was like a weekend, I was like, you know, first of all, I don't work out every single day. This is gonna be one of my days off. No big. I didn't make it mean anything. It was not a problem. But I noticed that day I was like, yeah, it didn't work out okay. The next day I was like, you know, I'm still feeling kind of tired.

    I'm still kind of feeling like I could do with another rest day. Okay, not a big deal. It's another rest day. Then Monday rolls around, so now I have skipped two days after having done two weeks of like really consistent follow through on my action plan. I skipped two days, basically a weekend, which again, on its own is not a big deal.

    But on Monday I was like, huh, you know, I do kind of have to catch up on these emails, and you know what I do also, I did get a little bit behind with that thing on my task list. You know, I am kind of falling behind on... all of a sudden my brain started coming up with all of these other things that I could be doing instead of picking up the dumbbells for 20 minutes.

    For 20 minutes, my brain started negotiating, my brain started having a lot more back and forth. You know what? Maybe not. You know, you've already missed two days, maybe just one more day of rest. All of a sudden, before I knew it, five days had passed. Five days, and I noticed this thought came up for me. The thought was, you've lost your momentum.

    And I just loved that I had this experience because I remember having this experience when I was losing the weight a few years ago. I remember when I was tipping the scale a little over 200 pounds, and I felt like, oh my gosh, there's so much weight to lose. I would feel so good when the number one scale would come down.

    I felt like I had momentum. Look at it. Go look at me. Go, right? Remember those thoughts? Look at me. Go. I'm doing so great. I'm eating so well. My body is feeling so good. And then I would have a few days or a week where maybe I didn't eat on plan. Maybe I ate like crap food. Maybe I overate, maybe I had an extra margarita, and like the scale went up.

    I remember that I would have the same feeling that I'm describing right now, which is like, Ugh, I've lost my momentum. Now here's where I want to have all of you think about where this applies for you. There's a fork in the road. I want you to think about that moment that comes when you have that thought.

    I've lost my momentum. There's a fork in the road. You can stay down and believe that your momentum is coming from following your plan. You can believe that your momentum is coming from the scale going up or down, that the momentum's coming from, whether you lifted your weights or not, but that is not where your momentum is coming from.

    That's the other fork in the road. That's what I wanna talk about. I want you to know that momentum starts in your brain. So what do I mean by that? I mean, momentum does not come from the number on the scale moving or how many dumbbells you can lift, how many reps you can do. That's not where your momentum is coming from.

    Your momentum is not coming from following your plan multiple days in a row. Momentum comes from a thought you have. So what that means, what that looks like is the thought that I had, which is I've lost all of my momentum. I had a subconscious thought underlying that, which is, Ugh, it's gonna be so hard to restart.

    And that thought, it's that thought that was actually zapping my momentum. So when I thought, Ugh, it's gonna be so hard to restart, I've already stopped for five whole days. I can't believe I let myself go off for five whole days. I was doing so great. Here's the other one. I was doing so great before it was so easy before, uh, now it's so hard.

    All of that. All of that was like a story in my mind, the way that I was telling the story made me feel discouraged, defeated, disappointed, and despair. Do you guys remember the four Ds? If you have not listened to that episode, go back. It's an episode from December Cuddling your Cuddle Thoughts, it's titled, something like your cuddle thoughts, so while you hold onto, oh, it's so hard.

    I was doing so. I don't know what happened. I can't believe that thought. That flavor of story is why your momentum stays zapped. Okay? Here's the best news though. If your momentum is coming from your brain, if your momentum is coming from the way you tell the story, it means that you are in control of your momentum.

    Not whether you followed your plan yesterday and not what the scale is showing. Your momentum is coming from your brain, which is such amazing news. I feel like people that are like looking out their window are like, why is she gesturing so crazy? Because you know, guys, if you're watching this, when I get really excited talking about a topic that I really care about, I become very animated.

    So, If you're watching this, those are all my hand gestures. Okay. That was the tangent. So momentum is coming from your brain. So what I want you to first start with really thinking about is how is your current thoughts? If you haven't been following your plan for the last few weeks or last few months, it's okay.

    I want you to just catch what are the thoughts you're telling yourself that is keeping your momentum zapped. It's going to be some flavor of those forwardy thoughts like, I can't believe I was doing so great before. Now I'm not. It's gonna be so hard to get back started again. Right? I want you to pick up on what those thoughts are.

    Write them down. Write them down. Become aware of the sentences that you are telling yourself and just know while you choose to tell yourself the sentences, you're going to say zapped of your momentum. So good. How good is that? Can't we just like, I mean this is just a mic drop moment. We could just end the podcast right here.

    Okay. I'm kidding. We're not gonna end, we're not gonna end the podcast here. So let me move on. Next sentence. Next, next point. So now we have uncovered what thoughts are, zapping your momentum. For me, I was like, oh, I was doing so great. I haven't complained to my friend Ruth. Did you guys listen to that episode?

    It was macros and fitness with Ruth. She's my fitness coach. She's also a board certified OB/Gyn. She's literally a ninja fitness expert. She’s like everything I ever need to know about fitness. She gets a little call from me, so I'm gonna be bringing her back on the podcast cause I think we have a lot more to talk about.

    But what I was gonna tell you is that I was telling her like, oh, I was doing so great. I was doing so great. I stopped, so she heard all of my thoughts. She was like, Priyanka, are you listening to yourself? I was like, yeah, okay. I hear it. I caught it. I'm catching it, and I can sense that keeping that story, if I kept that, I would just stay outta the game.

    I would just keep the lack of momentum and I would feel like even if I did kind of work out, it would be kinda like half ass. It'd be one of those like, yeah, okay, let me just do it. Like, you know, you take a half ass action, it's because you haven't gotten your head back in the game. So let's talk about how do you get momentum back.

    So first we just covered to really identify what thoughts are keeping you out of your momentum. Catch them, write them down and become aware of them. Stop telling yourself those sentences. So that's it. Like the minute you catch it, you've become aware of it. It's officially different. Now that you have observed those sentences, stop telling yourself those sentences.

    Instead, ask yourself, what is it that you would want to think? What is it that you would need to think to inspire you to take action today? Now, one of the things that I think is really helpful for me, and this is one that I come back to time and time again and I want you all to think about what those sentences are for you.

    Cuz they're gonna be different, right? They're different for me, they're going to be different for you, to remind myself about why this matters. So for me, it's my fitness goal. I have a certain fitness goal by the time I turn 40. For you, it's maybe a number on the scale or how you wanna feel in your body or how you want your clothes to fit you.

    Think about your goal. Think about your goal, don't forget it. And ask yourself, wait a second. Why does this matter again? Why does this matter again today? You know, just that one sentence for me. This matters. I don't curse on this podcast, but this expletive matters. You'll feel that desire course through your body for why this matters.

    I wanna be able to go up. Can you guys see if you're watching this on video, like this is a steep hill. I wanna be able to go up this hill by the time I'm 40 and not be huffing and puffing. That matters to me. I want to be able to play with my children and run around with them and not like, avoid the soccer ball, forget my kids.

    I wanna be able to play with my grandkids. I wanna be able to be like 85 years old and pick up my groceries without having somebody help me. This matters to me for me to get stronger matters to me, and just me remembering that it creates this texture, this emotion in my body that inspires me to take action.

    It doesn't have to be Monday morning or New Year's Day. It's like, okay, I skipped five days. I skipped five days because I was feeling kind of tired. I skipped five days because I let some excuses get in my way. I skipped five days because I let one day turn into two. I let two turn into four, and here we are on day six.

    Okay. Okay. It's so good to know that I let that happen. It doesn't mean anything about me, but this matters right now. Let's go, and you'll be surprised when you start talking to yourself in that way. You don't make those five days that pass or five months that passed mean anything about your skill or capability.

    When you're like, oh, wait a second. Okay, we let it, we let one day become five. Five become 10. Okay. It's okay. We simply forgot. We simply forgot about why this matters. Remember, this matters right now. That moment I want you to know. When you start feeling that desire or course through you, that commitment courses through you, the best thing starts to happen.

    You start feeling inspired to take action again, and it starts small. So it started with me just doing 20 pounds, 20 minutes of lunges and squats with my like three pound dumb. That's why I started with 20 minutes, and you know what? There was a thought. I want you to know there was a thought that was like, you know, you are still too tired today.

    Even after all of this, I'm still too tired. I was like, you know what? I can do it right now. I have 20 minutes right now. Let's just go. That activation energy, let's just go. Let's just get started. It is something that can inspire you to keep taking more and more action. You don't ever have to wait for fresh starts anymore, and it's important to know that because there are very few fresh starts.

    There's only 52 Monday. In the year, only one new year's day, there's only one birthday. So what we wanna do is not rely on the calendar date of the week to create activation energy. I want all of you. I want my clients. I want all of us to know that activation energy is something we can turn on and off with our brains.

    We can tell ourselves, this matters today. Let's just get started. Let's just take action right now. Today matters. This matters. And I promise you, when you remind yourself of that and you just get started, you will feel so, so good. I felt so good. So I did my 20 minutes. Let me tell you. That first minute was hard. Putting on the sneakers, I was like, Ugh. 

    You know, I am still kind of tired. Did a little bit of that, but then I was like, you know what? No, I have my 20 minutes. I put my sneakers on. I put my little 20 minute video, 20 minute app to follow. I not only felt so much stronger in my body. After 20 minutes, I not only felt more awake and energized.

    Now can I just say I felt tired when I started? Cause like, oh, maybe I'm getting kind of sick. Maybe I'm like getting over my cold. I have the sniffles. I was coming up with every reason to not work out, right? I felt stronger, I felt more energized. I felt more awake. I felt more alive, simply from doing 20 minutes of something I said I was going to do.

    So there was the physical piece, the physical action of me moving, my body getting stronger, doing the lunges like my body physically woke up, but also mentally, my body mentally woke up. I started to remind myself, oh yeah, remember we do what we say. It's gonna feel so good. I felt so proud of just doing it. I felt so proud of myself for just doing it and what that did in that moment when I reminded myself like, this feels so good.

    It feels so good to honor what we say we're going to do. I got to remind myself that actually I am capable of following through even in a moment that it feels hard. This is something that I want for all of us, all of us high achieving, working moms. We all deserve to have this skill in our back pockets all the time, because I promise you, especially if you're a high achiever, if you're a working mom, you already automatically have two full-time jobs.

    You're a mom and you're working. I want you to know that life is going to happen. Be messy. There are going to be many, many imperfect moments. A weekend is gonna happen. A week is gonna happen. Months might pass you, and you might have gained all the way back. I don't care what I want you to know is that it is all being controlled by your brain.

    You gain it back or you fall off the “wagon,” however you wanna put it. You losing all of that momentum happened because of how you were thinking. I want you to know that You might not be aware of what you were thinking. That's okay. Work with a coach. But what I want you to know is that it happened because of the way you were thinking.

    And the best news is you can recover that and come back even stronger with the way that you're thinking. This is, to me, a super power skill and tool. I just felt so inspired to talk about it, which is why I decided to huff and puff along with you to tell you like I'm back. I lost five days, but I didn't lose.

    I just wanna say that again. I lost five days, but I'm not making that mean that I lost anything. I think that that is something that especially high achievers struggle with. We think that if we don't follow our plan perfectly, if we fall off for a weekend, for a week, for a vacation, for a month, the scale goes up or you stop following the plan.

    We think we've lost something. You haven't lost anything if you pick it back up. I'd really like to say that the only time that you can ever really fail is if you want something. You stop doing it and you stay stopped. That's the only time. Otherwise, let's just call it a pause. Okay? You want something?

    You have a goal for this year. You wanna get stronger with me? Let's do it. You wanna lose weight? Let's do it. If you have paused for a week, a month, a year, call it a pause and start telling yourself. Something new that generates activation energy, momentum, and just know it does not start with a fresh start. It starts with your brain.

    So I hope that you guys have enjoyed this episode coming along on this walk with me. It's been one of those fun ones. I think I'm gonna be doing these a lot more. So I hope you enjoy these because this really fits into me sharing sometimes, like in the moment, inspiration, what I genuinely feel is coming up for me in my life.

    I like to share with you in real time because I think I can speak to that topic from so much more authenticity when I'm sharing with you my real journey, especially when I see a topic that has affected some of you, my client. I get to relive also, when I used experiences when I was losing the weight, this exact principle generating momentum coming from your brain, absolutely applied to the time that I was losing all of my weight.

    Cuz there were plenty of times that I would fall off and things would plateau, things would go off. That would be that moment that I could have taken one fork in the road. And I'm like, see, there I go again. It's going back up. That's it. And then stay down or the other road. Knowing that activation energy, reminding myself why this matters today. Today's going to impact tomorrow and that's gonna impact the next day.

    Reminding myself of that has been the greatest gift for me, and part of the reason that that also really matters to me is because that has been something that I've really wanted to teach my kids, especially my son. I feel like I'm going to one day do a podcast episode on lessons that I've learned from my son.

    I know I did a podcast episode on lessons I'd learned from my daughter. It was like a little mini lesson for when she started school, but I have such a heart, deeply heartfelt episode to record about my son, about my journey in being his mom, and the lessons I have learned. My goodness, the lessons I have learned because of him. 

    The lessons I have learned from him, by him, all of it. I feel like so much more of a powerful human because of the lessons I have learned because I've had to be his mom and I've had to navigate my own brain, my own limiting beliefs. It's been seriously the best journey. But the reason that this matters, this topic matters is because he also gets to benefit from this work.

    Me learning how to navigate my brain, me learning how to catch the thoughts that keep me down and out, the thoughts that keep me disappointed, defeated, despair, discouraged when I learn how to catch those thoughts. So does he. So I hope you all enjoy this episode. It was such a fun one for me to share with all of you, and I will catch you next week.

    Bye. If you are loving the podcast and everything you're learning here, there are a couple of resources I want to make sure that you know about. I'm hosting my next live webinar, Quit the Strict Meal Planning and Do This Webinar Instead, and it's happening soon. This webinar is seriously the stepping stone to understanding why doubling down on that next strict meal isn't the solution to reaching your ideal weight? 

    Yes, the plan matters, but I'm teaching three frameworks that cover the other necessary 80%. I promise you there are tangible reasons that being a planning ninja isn't enough. If it was, we would've already solved this problem. Head over to theunstoppablemombrain.com/webinar to get all of the details, dates, and times sent to you and your email inbox.

    I also want you to know that there are a few spots left in the April cohort of The Unstoppable Group. This is my six month intimate small group coaching program for high achieving working moms who want to feel better and lose weight at the same time. I promise you, reaching your ideal weight is more than an intellectual exercise.

    It requires real life, messy implementation. If you have been feeling the call to solve this problem once and for all, we should absolutely talk. You can grab a free consult with me over at theunstoppablemombrain.com/connect, and on this consult call, we will talk about you and your specific goals and what you think your obstacles have been up until now.

    And then we'll talk about our work together and how it is different from anything that you have ever done before. I cannot wait to connect with you on the webinar and in the group. I love all of you. See you next week. Thanks for listening to The Unstoppable Mom Brain Podcast. It's been an honor spending this time with you and your brilliant brain.

    If you want more resources or information from the show, head on over to theunstoppablemombrain.com.



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