Episode #92: Start New Years with a Weight Loss Bang

Jan 02, 2024






Let’s kick off the New Year with a powerful episode. Reflecting on my own experiences in 2023, I’m sharing the moments I found myself stuck and revealing that I didn't achieve all my goals. In this episode, I’ll guide you through a process to leverage the mistakes of 2023 and create an effective strategy for 2024. The focus is on identifying what to stop doing to make your strategy truly impactful. I want to emphasize the importance of understanding the specific behaviors that hindered your progress and the mindset behind them. As a bonus, I’ll introduce an exciting mini-series and invite you to a free webinar on weight loss success.

 Sign up for my free upcoming webinar - The 3 Proven Steps to
Weight Loss Success in 2024. It’s live on January 4th at 12pm or 8pm EST. Save your seat: https://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/webinar

If this podcast resonates with you, make sure you get on the waitlist for my next Unstoppable Group. You can get all the details and join the waitlist over at https://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/group.  And when you’re on the waitlist for the next enrollment, you’re going to get early access to enroll.



What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • I’m sharing my personal journey, acknowledging the mix of excitement and disappointment as I evaluate the past year's goals.
  • Exciting announcements about a mini-series featuring micro topics for high-achieving moms and a free webinar on January 4th with proven steps for weight loss success.
  • Two major pitfalls holding you back from weight loss—staying vague with action plans and neglecting to understand the underlying mindset and emotions driving habits.
  • The importance of not just focusing on what to do in 2024 but also on what habits to stop. This approach parallels weight loss strategies and mindset adjustments for high achievers.
  • Three primary reasons high achievers may struggle with weight loss, ranging from not having a concrete action plan to letting momentary whims or imperfections lead to a complete derailment of their goals.


Listen to the Full Episode:



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Featured on the Show:

  • Want to work with me? Learn more about The Unstoppable Group by clicking here.
  • Join my upcoming webinar, The 3 Proven Steps to Weight Loss Success in 2024 on January 4th at 12pm or 8pm EST, choose the time that best works for you: Save your seat! 


Full Episode Transcript:

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    Hey, this is Dr. Priyanka Venugopal and you're listening to the Unstoppable Mom Brain Podcast, starting New Year's with a bang. I love New Year's episodes, mostly because it kind of forces me to reflect. And honestly, you're still not to tell you 2023 for me was. Just all right, like, so, so I hit many, many, many moments personally, where I found myself stuck in the muck. And if I'm going to be totally honest, which is what we do on this podcast, I did not hit a lot of my 2023 goals. So I'm going to tell you a little bit about that and really help you walk through a process that I have taken myself through as I really get ready for 2024. And that is what this episode is all about.

    I want to first help you walk through 2023 to help you leverage some of the mistakes that maybe you made. I know that I made plenty. And as a high achiever, what you and I are very used to doing is we love to focus on what we are going to do, the new plan, the new strategy, but more important than that, the whole intention of today's episode is to first help you figure out what is it that we have to stop doing to make our 2024 strategy actually be effective. I think of this really like two peas in a weight loss pod. What you're going to be doing in 2024 is equally important to what you need to stop doing. What got in the way for you in 2023? Before I get into today's episode, a couple of quick things I want to share with you. I'm doing something really exciting.

    It's a fun mini series that I'm bringing to this podcast. It's going to be a handful of episodes. That I'm recording kind of in real time. Basically these minisodes will be 5-10 minutes on micro topics that are tiny but mighty concepts that will help you with a myth or an obstacle that specifically impacts the high achieving professional working mom. So keep an eye on your favorite podcast platform because I will be coming to your podcast feed and to your ears way more often over the next two weeks with these mini episodes. And if you are not yet registered for my upcoming webinar happening this Thursday on January 4th. Then what are you waiting for? I'm going to be teaching you my three proven steps to weight loss success this year. I'm going to be offering it at two times because I really do want to encourage you to come live to the webinar. The energy of being live on a webinar is just so different. And so for the first time ever, I'm offering the webinar at two different times at 12 PM Eastern or 8 PM Eastern. You can select whichever time works best for you. And we are going to talk through these three proven steps. Truly. It is how I lost a little over 60 pounds. It is the three steps that I teach my clients to lose the weight as busy high achievers. You've probably heard me say that a high achieving professional working mom is not the average bear, which means you need a better than average weight loss strategy.

    You need a strategy that is of course backed in science, going to help you burn fat with more ease, but more importantly, and we're going to uncover this on today's episode as well. More important that that takes your high achiever brain into account high achieving professional working moms. Think about goals. Think about results. Think about their life, very different than the average bear. So we want a strategy that is going to fold in your real life and your mindset, which is what we're doing on the webinar. Make sure you grab your seat for free over at theunstoppablemombrain.com/webinar. And right after the webinar, the Unstoppable group, which is my six month intimate small group coaching program for high achieving professional moms is going to be opening. We have six months of live weekly coaching calls, daily written coaching, personal mentorship, and the best on demand video curriculum ever.Plus when you're registered for the webinar, you qualify for a very special bonus. When you join the Unstoppable group within 48 hours of doors opening, the bonus is a one on one call with me, where we are going to create your custom strategy. For the whole year, we are going to take the three steps that you learn on the webinar and custom create your 2024 roadmap, where we plan out every part of your year.

    This bonus is seriously so amazing, and it's only available if you're registered for the webinar. So don't wait, go grab your seat. And if you cannot make it live at either time, I get it. You will be sent the limited time replay when you're registered. Okay, let's get into today's episode, starting new years with a bang.

    If you want to reach your ideal weight and create lightness for your body. You need to have simplicity, joy, and strategic decisions infused into your life. I'm a physician turned life and weightless coach for ambitious working moms. I've lost over 60 pounds without counting points, calories, or crazy exercise plans. Most importantly, I feel calm and light on the scale and in my life. There's some delicious magic when you learn this work and the skills I'm going to be teaching you. Ready? Let's get to it.

    Happy new year to my Unstoppable friends. I cannot even believe that it is 2024. It's New Year's. I mean, I, I think I probably said this last year. If I reflect back, I have not gone back and listened to last year's New Year's episode, but I feel like I say this every year. Sometimes the days and even the weeks feel really slow, but the months and the years feel like they are flying by. Am I right? I can't believe that it's a new year. And I would say for me, and maybe this is true for many of you, I have a mix of two different emotions, like two different types of emotions that I'm noticing that I'm holding concurrently. So if this is you, you're not alone. There's a part of me that feels really excited about the new year. I feel excited about new plans and refreshing my strategy and thinking about my goal and kind of taking a fine tooth comb over my life and asking myself what it is that I want to improve. Where do I want to grow? So there's something really exciting about that because The possibility of achieving those goals is pretty amazing. On the other hand, there is a part of me that feels a little bit meh, which is mostly because I'm reflecting about the past. I'm reflecting about the fact that I had a lot of these goals last year, right? And the year before and the year before that. And a lot of those goals somehow over the course of the year, which is what we're going to talk about today, got forgotten, or they became deprioritized, or I didn't give them the attention that I said I would. And so there's a part of me that feels a little discouraged, a little bit disappointed in myself for not having hit the goals that I had wanted to hit. Now, I want you to know if you feel both, it's so normal and we don't have to ever choose one over the other. It's possible to Hold both at the same time to feel excited and motivated for the new year, while also just allowing yourself to feel maybe disappointment or discouraged or sad around not hitting some of your goals in 2023.

    Now I am not one to wallow because I love to really use mindset skills and tools to look at disappointment and sadness and discouragement from the past and leverage what I can learn from the experience. And that is the whole intention of today's episode. Because as important it is to feel the excitement and the inspiration of new year, I think it's so important, probably more important to really reflect back on why is it that we have any disappointment, any discouragement, any sadness around not hitting our goals from 2023 what got in the way today's episode is going to walk you through a process to help you uncover what it is for you. I think it's going to be something unique for all of us. And giving ourselves permission to let those things go. Now, one of the biggest mistakes that I know high achievers make, I have done this in the past. I see my clients doing this because we will look at the past and we'll think about what are the things that I did that got in my way. And we will start saying very broad, vague things like procrastination. overeating, over drinking, yelling, right? So we'll just say these very broad categories. And when we have a really broad strokes umbrella type of behavior, maybe procrastination or overeating, it doesn't give our brain enough direction to overcome that habit.

    So today's episode is also going to walk you through how to take a broad category. I think procrastination is probably going to be a major one. If you did not hit your goal in 2023, you had some procrastination. techniques and behaviors that you employed that got in the way. I want to help you get really specific.

    I'm saying this slowly, like, why do I want to help you get specific? And why am I really making the argument to not stay broad? Because this is going to feel uncomfortable. I'm going to say that it feels uncomfortable because when we haven't answered some of the questions I'm going to ask you on this episode, you might get annoyed with me on the episode. You might get irritated when I ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you to get more specific. You might feel this irritation bubbling up in you. I don't mind. I don't mind you getting annoyed with me because I would rather you solve this problem. The reason that you might feel annoyed or irritated at getting specific is because it is forcing your brain to do some work. When we look at 2023, what got in the way of you hitting your weight loss goal this past year? What were your behaviors that got in the way of you hitting your goal? Broad strokes is your brain's way of staying comfortable because you can't really take specific action. But for your 2024 weight loss strategy to be specific and clear and tangible and actually actionable. We have to get really clear and specific on what not to do. And this is going to force you to think about your year in a way that maybe you haven't yet. This episode is going to help you take your 2024 fresh start to the next level. So I was reflecting as we do or the past few weeks about my 2023 goals, the ones that I had this time last year that I probably talked about, and I took a real solid inventory.

    How did I actually do? And if I can be totally honest with you, which is what we do here on the podcast, I did not hit some of my biggest goals for 2023, specifically around getting stronger. And if you've been around for a while, I turned 40 in 2023, and it was the year that I really, really, really wanted to level up my personal strength and fitness. So I've shared on the podcast before, I lost a little over 60 pounds without exercise. So I lost a lot of weight without getting stronger, and that was a. choice that I made purposefully. And after I lost the weight, I decided I want to now get stronger. This was my number one goal in January and I did make some progress. So I did make progress. It's not like I totally let the whole entire thing slide by the wayside. However, I did not get anywhere near hitting my personal fitness goals. Now, the reason that I didn't hit my fitness goals that I had set out January, 2023, the reason I did not hit it, nowhere near it was not because of a lack of capability. Okay. So for you with your weight loss goals, the reason that you did not hit your 2023 weight loss goals was not because of a lack of capability. It is really a lot more simple than that. It is because I let other things take over. And when push came to shove, as it does for the professional working mom, what I said was my number one goal didn't remain my number one.

    This is what got in the way of feeling of getting behind at work and feeling a little overwhelmed with my kids. I thought. Very often in 2023, if I can just get a little ahead, if I can just catch up and get a little ahead with my work and with the kids activities, then I will get back to my fitness. And it turns out, lesson learned that I needed to learn clearly that there's literally no such thing. I would get ahead with my work. I would take care of projects and do my emails and actually get ahead on what I had planned on doing. And then here's what would happen. My brain would offer me the next. Tasks that I could be doing. So even though I would get a lot done, I would accomplish a lot. I felt perpetually behind. I allowed my mindset around my work, around my task list, around my kids to bulldoze over my personal body goal. And that's completely on me. Listen, you better believe 2024 right now, I'm stating it now for the record. I have a fitness goal for this year and I have such a gust of excitement and motivation that this is going to be the year that I hit it. But unless I am. Like brutally honest without being me truly honest and vulnerable and maybe borderline spicy around what got in my way. I'm going to keep making the same mistakes again and again and again. So I want you to ask yourself if on January 1st of 2023, you had a body goal or a weight loss goal, and you really wanted it.

    And it was a real priority for you, but you didn't hit it. December 31st, you didn't hit it or you didn't make the headway you wanted to. I want you to ask yourself the question, what got in the way? Let's be specific and honest without being mean. This is the hard part for high achievers. Especially working moms like you and me, that we sometimes will look at the past and we'll have these judgy, critical thoughts. And I want you to drop that for a minute, drop the rule book around how you should have done 2023, how it should have gone for you in 2023. And if you feel bad or embarrassed or annoyed with yourself. Feel it, but then move on. I want you to move on enough to take proper inventory. Because without it, I promise you, every New Year's, it's going to be like Groundhog's Day. We're going to be back here talking about the same goal as last year, and it's going to happen again and again and again. Just a little story about this, because this is something I can feel the difference for so many years. I have so many distinct memories. On New Year's Day, me and my best friend would call each other, like wishing each other And then we would say, I mean, this is the year. Right? This is the year that we're going to lose the weight. I can remember as far back as even college where I didn't even have that much weight to lose. I probably just wanted to lose like five or 10 pounds at that point in my life. And then of course, by February, our quote unquote best laid plans fell by the wayside.

    One of us became complacent. So then the other one became complacent and then we didn't have a sustainable strategy. Then we let discouragement set in and then we'll start again later. We'll start again next month. And this happened year after year I cannot tell you for how many years my goal was weight loss. It was like groundhog's day because every year I kept making the same mistakes. Here were the two mistakes that I made for so many years. It is exactly what I actually did with my fitness goal, which is why I didn't hit my fitness goal in 2023. And it's what I see high achieving professional moms do when it comes to weight loss. Problem number one is that you stay vague and broad with your action plan, like the things you're going to do, and you stay vague and broad with what your problems and your obstacles actually have been. For example, you might say I procrastinated a lot in 2023. That's a really broad and huge example that's hard to wrap your mind around the tangible, specific, actionable habits.

    The more broad you stay with the action plan that you're going to employ or the things that got in your way in the past, the more vague and confused your brain is going to be in the moment, which is why you'll revert back to old habits. So the solution to this is actually really simple. Let's get really microscopic and specific. So instead of saying I procrastinated a lot in 2023, an example for me might be, I picked up my phone and I scrolled on Instagram instead of focusing on my work project. Can you feel how specific I'm being with the example of procrastination now, if I procrastinate a lot in 2023, I probably have 10 different examples of how I was procrastinating on my work list out specific examples.

    If you were a fly on the wall in the room with you in 2023, what were you actually doing instead? For me, instead of me focusing on my work project, that was right in front of me. A fly on the wall would have seen me pick up my phone, scroll on Instagram, maybe meander to the kitchen, maybe go for a walk outside, maybe procrastinate to work. So instead of focusing, this is such a big one for high achievers, instead of focusing on the project that's right in front of you, you start working on something else because, you know, you want to be productive. So you start working on something else rather than finishing the task at hand. So I want you to see how specific you can get. Get really granular. If a fly on the wall was watching you in 2023, what specific examples came up for you that would qualify as procrastinating on your goal? And then there is problem number two, which is a little bit harder to do. And it's going to require a little bit more effort on your part. You didn't identify the mindset that you were in. In the last year that drove you to do those tactics, you can't actually change habits without understanding what led you to have that habit to begin with. Let's use my procrastination example. I would scroll on Instagram instead of focusing on my work project because why did I ever do that? Why would I ever scroll Instagram rather than focus on the work project that I had to get done?

    It's because I was avoiding a feeling. I was working on something, my work project, that required a lot of brainpower, creativity, energy, and likely there was some discomfort in the execution because I had to make decisions, I had to finalize pieces of my project, and because I had to make decisions, I had an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe it was some stress or overwhelm or my desire to get it just right as I do. And rather than feel that emotion while taking action, In those moments, my brain said, we need a break. So I would avoid an emotional experience with a procrastination tactic, like scrolling my phone. This is the category of problem that most high achievers have. And if you find yourself making the same mistakes again and again, or you find yourself going off plan again and again at around the same point in the journey, it is because you didn't identify why if you aren't doing exactly what you said you would do. Why aren't you, what emotion were you unwilling to allow and feel a weightless example might be that you had a plan and then you went off track. Maybe you stopped being consistent for any number of reasons. Maybe you had a curve ball come up for you in your personal life. Maybe there was an unexpected work project. Your kids started annoying you and you just, in your mind went off track. You forgot your plan. You became inconsistent. And so then because you became inconsistent, you felt a certain way about it. Maybe you got discouraged or you got pissed or you felt embarrassed to avoid that feeling, that emotion of embarrassment, discouragement, pissed, annoyed, irritated with yourself. You procrastinated on getting back on track. Do you see how that works? You don't ever just procrastinate for no reason. High achievers are never not getting back on track with their weight loss plan for no reason. The only reason that you're procrastinating and not getting back on track quickly is because you're avoiding an emotion. So the solution is also two fold. Step one is to get really specific and granular with your habits. This is again, the two peas in the pod. The specific habits that we have to talk about are what are the habits that you're going to employ? What are the habits that you're going to do in 2024 that will get you to your goal? And equally important, what are the habits that you're going to stop doing? to get you to your goal. And step two is to really become honest and clear and bring a lot more awareness to what were the feelings that you were trying to avoid in the moment that led you to procrastinate on your weight loss strategy.

    So let's walk this through now that you know, the two biggest problems, which is being vague. And not knowing the mindset and feeling that you were avoiding. Let's really walk this through with what happened for you in 2023. If your results on December 31st of 2023, didn't match your goal from January 1st of 2023, let's get into why we want to be honest, specific. We can be a little spicy, but do not be mean to yourself. Question one. What got in the way? I want you to pause this episode if you can, or if you're driving to come back to this point in the episode and write this down. Write down actionable things that got in your way. Was there something specific about your schedule that got in your way? Was there something about your work life that got in the way? Was there something about your responsibilities at home that got in the way? Work hours, home hours, the weekend, busyness. Maybe you traveled a lot or you had a lot of conferences or retreats that you went to did travel get in your way? Maybe it was holidays, maybe the holiday season or date nights or vacations. Maybe that was what got in your way and it undid some of your weight loss success. Maybe life curveballs. Did you have life curveballs in 2023 that got in your way? An unexpected incident that came up maybe with your kid. Maybe you had afterschool activities. And so with every changing season that got in your way. Write down, because this list can be a very, very long list. You want to get really comprehensive. What were all of the things? In your real professional working mom life that got in the way. Now, once you write this down, I have something to say. If you think that some part of your schedule, the unpredictability of your time, the work hours, or a life curve ball actually got in your way, then it goes to show that you think that weight loss.

    Takes time. Really think about this. Okay. When you have a fat burning action plan, which we've talked about separately on this podcast that you make with small nutritional tweaks that you make once and you have on rinse and repeat, weight loss doesn't actually take time. In fact, overeating is what takes up more time. Not following through on the action plan is what actually takes up more time. So the next question, and this is where we're going to get a little spicy. So be honest without being mean. What did your work schedule, your weekend schedule, your travel, the holidays, the kids activities, that life curve ball. What did that ever have to do with you following through on your fat burning action plan? Pause here and really answer the question. Now, this is that moment that there's usually three main reasons that I see specifically for the high achiever. You might be one of these, and most likely you're a little bit of all three. The first reason is you didn't have a fat burning action plan to begin with. You in your mind thought, I know what to do to lose weight, I'm just going to eat less and move more. I'm just going to cut the carbs. Or you tried to wing your plan, which means you left a lot of decision making to in the moment.

    So reason number one, you didn't have a fat burning action plan to actually implement. Reason number two, this is a big one for 2023 for me. You let momentary whims or life obstacles get in the way. I had a lot of things in the moment that felt really pressing. Things that came up with my work life, things that came up with my partner, things that came up with my kids that in the moment felt so important that they would supersede my fitness goal. So I want you to think about if reason number two is the reason that you didn't follow through on your plan. You had a plan. Number one, but you let a momentary in the moment whim get in the way and it deprioritized your personal weight loss goal. Or reason number three, you maybe had a fat burning action plan. You were following through on it and you were prioritizing it, you know, to the best of your ability. But you didn't do it perfectly, and because you didn't do it perfectly, you had some feelings about it, some annoyance, or some embarrassment, or some frustration, and that drove you to stop showing up completely.

    Whether it's one, two, three, or all three of these reasons for why you didn't follow through on your plan in 2023, I want you to know how good it is to know. The real reason and the reason for this, the reason I'm so excited for you to uncover and answer this question really honestly is because you're going to have more of the same in 2024. Let's be honest as a professional high achieving working mom, you're going to have a very similar. working mom life. You're going to have responsibilities at work. You're going to have your kids. You're going to have your partner. You're going to have obstacles come up and vacations and holidays and unexpected things in your life. And it's going to be a lot more of the same that you had in 2023. So let's never pretend that that's not going to be the case. I don't never let my clients go to the land of wishful thinking. We often say that hope is not a strategy. I want you to prepare knowing what came up for you in 2023, knowing what the obstacles really were, to prepare for the reality of your life in 2024. That's what Unstoppable is all about. It's taking your real life into account, not the fairytale land that is fully stress free and activity free and. Perfectly planned out and it's beautifully scheduled. That's just not real. If it wasn't real for you in 2023, it's not going to be the case in 2024. So let's get back to the question of what got in the way for you.

    Now that we've answered what got in the way for you in your mind, when you look back at 2023 answer question number two, what are you going to stop doing before we can have our. brand new shiny plan for 2024. Let's get clear to make space for this actionable plan that we're going to have together. I want us to get really clear on what is it that we have to stop doing. So for me, it was basically procrastinating on some of my exercise. There were so many times that I would have exercise on my schedule. I had a great plan. I had a Super solid muscle building plan in place, but I would procrastinate on it because something important would come up for work or some like annoyance with my kids would just drive me to not want to go to the gym. What's equally important that I have to stop doing is I have to stop telling myself a certain story. What was the story that you told yourself that led you to deprioritize your weight loss goal? Listen, it likely started out really small and in little moments because you were full of motivation and a lot of energy and excitement on January 1st of last year. So think about it. When you flash forward at what point in the way did the little moments, maybe it was end of January or maybe February, maybe you got all the way to March. Few little moments that started to get in the way. And then those little moments turned bigger and bigger until you didn't hit your goal for 2023.

    So for me, this looked like, let me just get ahead on this one project. Let me just get a head start on next week's task list so that I don't feel this pressure so that I can just feel relaxed when I go to the gym. And then one time procrastinating once on my plan led to two times and then two times led to three and four. And then it led to a week and then led to a month and then led to many, many, many, many months. I don't want you to wish your habits away or we'll be right back here a year from now, which is why this piece is the hard part. That moment will come where you will have your plan in place and then a work responsibility or an annoyance with your partner or that worry about your kid or that life obstacle, that thing that you answered in question number one will come up. Again. And there will be a momentary flicker of a thought. Let me just not take action on my body goal right now. I'll start tomorrow. Let me just handle this. Insert your answer for question number one right here. Let me just take care of this right now. I'll deal with my weight loss goal or my body goal tomorrow.

    There's going to be a feeling there and you'll want to, because it's so habitual, procrastinate or procrastinate work in my case, out of feeling that emotion. But. I want you to walk forward, walk forward to the end of 2024, walk forward to December 31st, 2024. What will it cost you to keep your status quo, to keep those habits? I'm telling you when I kind of do this exercise for myself, when I think about what it's costing me to overwork, for me to procrastinate work, for me to allow momentary feelings of frustration or annoyance with my kid, to have me not show up for my body goal, it's costing me a lot. Think about how much it's costing you. It's likely wasting a lot more time, more energy and more effort. And so much more of your mental bandwidth. It's one more year that we're sitting here talking about the same goal. One of my favorite things to hear from my clients in the Unstoppable group is how much bandwidth. gets freed up when you start solving your weight loss struggle.

    Investing in your number one goal makes you take it more seriously. Having the support and accountability of a coach with a group makes you take it more seriously. This is just the nature of how humans work. And the best part is when you start hitting goals consistently, you can actually stop thinking about it. I cannot tell you the most freeing thing for me. And it's crazy how much I had no idea how much bandwidth and time and effort I was thinking about weight loss for so many years. But when I finally reached my goal weight, when I solved the weight loss struggle back in 2020, when I finally stepped off the up and down, I stopped having to have that new year's conversation about weight loss, which means now I got to move on to bigger and better things. I got to have bigger goals and better goals, and I allowed myself to grow, which was so fun. In my opinion, seriously, for the professional high achieving working mom, your body goal has to come first. Why do I say this? Because feeling comfortable in your body this year matters. You feeling comfortable in your own skin, having more energy, feeling light and confident in Any food scenario will impact how you show up at work. It will impact how you connect with your kids. It's going to impact how present you feel with your partner. So in my opinion, the number one goal for any professional working mom has to be to feel good in your body.

    The truth is when another year passes and then another and then another, and you haven't hit this goal that has been so important to you year after year, it starts to erode your self-confidence. And I totally remember that feeling how I felt year after year. It's like, great, another year has gone by. I also want you to know that this has happened simply because you deprioritized your goal.

    So remember that you deserve to prioritize this and really think about. Question number one and question number two, what got in the way for you this past year that bumped your body goal down on the list? And I want to invite you to respect yourself enough to put it back on top. Now, when it comes to 2024 and the weight loss strategy that you want to create, you have a game plan.

    Now, you know, the main actionable things that you are doing, and more importantly, the story that you are telling yourself that ever got in your way to consistently follow through. There was an emotion there. And to solve this problem at the root to step off the roller coaster and have your strategy in 2024 actually make sense. And for it to become consistent, you have to go through that emotion. Be onto that moment that you find yourself in your story, thinking, let me just procrastinate just today. Catch it in the moment. Let it feel hard if it does, because when you and me are talking about your goals a year from now, you will be so grateful. You will be so grateful to yourself for having followed through in those small, hard moments. Listen, the truth of it is that weight loss with the right fat burning strategy and the right tools for the high achiever is incredibly simple. And also there are going to be moments where you're a very normal brain, especially for the high achievers are so used to taking care of everyone and everything else will want to deprioritize your goal. They will want to procrastinate on your body goals simply because you're so used to prioritizing everyone and everything else. Let 2024 be the year that you can mark your calendar as having solved the struggle.

    Let 2024 be the year that you tell yourself that you not only prioritize your goal and your body on January 1st of this year, but that you maintained it as something that was deeply important to you. I promise you a year from now, you're going to be so grateful to yourself. Remind yourself in that moment when it feels hard to take a breath. And follow through anyway, you have got this way. Unstoppable friends. I believe in you. I hope you all enjoyed this new year's episode and really unraveling. What are the things that got in your way in 2023? What are the actionable things that you want to stop doing with specificity? And most importantly, what were the stories that you told yourself in 2023 that led you out of taking consistent action?

    I cannot wait to meet you back here this week with all of the mini episodes that I have coming your way and make sure that you are registered for my webinar this Thursday. You can grab your seat over at theunstoppablemombrain.com/webinar. I cannot wait to see you there. And I hope you guys have an amazing week, month, and absolutely an amazing 2024.

    Thanks for listening to the Unstoppable Mom Brain Podcast. It's been an honor spending this time with you and your brilliant brain. If you want more resources or information from the show, head on over to theunstoppablemombrain.com.


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